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HeartBrothers Foundation Co-Founder


Honoring the Legacy of Our Co-Founder

Through his work with the HeartBrothers Foundation, our beloved Co-Founder Pat Sullivan touched countless lives. To honor his legacy, we created this tribute wall, where the inspiration he generated can live forever, and inspire limitless others to follow in his footsteps. If Pat impacted you or your world in some way, we invite you to send us your tribute to Pat to be added to the wall below.


To further honor Pat's life and his relentless dedication to easing the burden of Heart Failure for patients and their loved ones, please consider making a donation to the HeartBrothers Foundation today. There are no words to adequately describe how much it meant to Pat anytime a person or organization contributed to the HeartBrothers Foundation—he was forever strategizing new ways to implement those funds to help the Heart Failure community through HeartBrothers programming. 

To learn more about Pat's journey, read his Heart Transplant Story, and our blog tribute to him.


With all our hearts, we thank you for being a member of the HeartBrothers community. We look forward to sharing the organization’s ongoing accomplishments with you as we lead the HeartBrothers Foundation ever-higher into the future—it is the best possible way we, as an organization, can pay tribute to the wonderful, incomparable Pat Sullivan.


"Although I did not have the honor to know Pat as well as I would have liked, during the times I spoke with him, what was obvious was his dedication and devotion to the HeartBrothers and to all of us whose unique circumstances bring us together. Pat was a fine man, a warriorjust the kind of guy you want when things get really tough. Our loss is heaven's gain."

Mark Callahan Sr.
Heart Failure Community Member

Tribute Wall Quotes

"My husband Sal and I met Pat and Bob at the very beginning of each of their Heart Failure journeys. Sal was an LVAD destination patient. They spent time together on Tufts Medical Center's Pratt 8 and also at Kindred Rehab. Pat was a strong and dedicated man. Love and peace to him. I hope they are reminiscing in heaven."

Heart Failure Caregiver

Submit your own tribute to Pat Sullivan.

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