Module 2:
How to follow a low sodium diet
Many people with heart failure lead normal, active lives. They do so because they have learned to take good care of themselves. You too can take control of heart failure by understanding and carefully following your treatment plan. The Heart Failure Society of America has prepared a series of 11 Modules to help you learn to live successfully with heart failure. This is Module 2.
Note that while this module concentrates on following a low-sodium diet, other nutritional issues may be of concern to you as well. For example, everyone should watch the amount of fat they eat.
Also, if you have diabetes, you should watch the amount of sugar you eat. These issues are discussed in more detail in Module 8: Lifestyle Changes.
This module provides information on:
How to follow a low-sodium diet.
The sodium content of selected foods and condiments.
Substitutes for high-sodium foods and condiments.
It will help you:
Reduce your sodium intake.
Cook meals with low-sodium foods.
Make good choices when you eat in a restaurant.
This module has a lot of information in it. You don’t have to read it all at once. You may find it helpful to read it by sections and to come back whenever you have questions about a low-sodium diet.
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See all HFSA Modules on our Resources page.
Content provided with permission from the Heart Failure Society of America.